- Kiss something goodbye
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Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
kiss something goodbye — informal phrase to no longer have or be likely to get something. If someone can kiss goodbye to something, they will not have it or get it I’m afraid we can kiss goodbye to any hope of a recovery this year. Thesaurus: to lose possession of… … Useful english dictionary
kiss (something) goodbye — 1. to lose something. If you lend him money, you should just kiss it goodbye. 2. to end something. We began to argue all the time, so I kissed another relationship goodbye. You can kiss goodbye any hopes you had of winning the lottery … New idioms dictionary
kiss something goodbye — If someone tells you that you can kiss something goodbye, you have no chance of getting or having it … The small dictionary of idiomes
kiss something goodbye — If someone tells you that you can kiss something goodbye, you have no chance of getting or having it. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
kiss something goodbye — informal to no longer have or be likely to get something. If someone can kiss goodbye to something, they will not have it or get it I m afraid we can kiss goodbye to any hope of a recovery this year … English dictionary
you can kiss something goodbye — (you) can kiss (something) goodbye you will not get something back. If you don t close your purse, you can kiss that money goodbye. If we allow these regulations to become law, you can kiss sidewalk food carts goodbye. You can say goodbye to your … New idioms dictionary
can kiss something goodbye — (you) can kiss (something) goodbye you will not get something back. If you don t close your purse, you can kiss that money goodbye. If we allow these regulations to become law, you can kiss sidewalk food carts goodbye. You can say goodbye to your … New idioms dictionary
something\ goodbye — • kiss someone • something goodbye v. phr. To lose or give up someone or something forever. If you won t marry Jane, Peter said to Tom, you might as well kiss her goodbye. People who bet on a losing horse at the races might as well kiss their… … Словарь американских идиом
Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye — Single by Steam from the album Steam B side … Wikipedia
kiss goodbye — kiss (something) goodbye see ↑kiss, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑goodbye kiss (something) goodbye informal : to accept the fact that you have lost or will never get something They can kiss their vacation plans go … Useful english dictionary
kiss — kiss1 [ kıs ] verb *** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to touch someone with your lips because you love them or have sexual feelings for them: They kissed again, and then he was gone. kiss someone on something: He kissed her on the lips. a )… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English